Measuring EC2 vs. App Engine in the blogosphere
posted by Daniel Schneider at
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Working all the time with developers for many of our clients, I figured it would be cool to see how Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine stack up in the blogosphere – what key terms are people associating with them and what similarities or differences are there. A little compare and contrast exercise. I set parameters for the last month. This is what EC2 looks like:

Not a surprise that most terms are developer focused. What about App Engine, where does it stand?
Clearly, there’s considerable overlap. This is to be expected since they offer similar services.
What’s more revealing are the differences. First, “cloud” is much more prominently associated with EC2 than App Engine. The “cloud” in EC2 dwarfs the “cloud” in App Engine. Second, EC2’s cloud reflects a larger enterprise base. “Business,” “company,” and “customers,” to name a few key terms, are all highlighted in the EC2 cloud, while similar terms are either not present or tiny and irrelevant in the App Engine cloud. Amazon EC2 and Google App Engine are closely related, arguably competitive platforms, with key differences that stand out.
This analysis only covers 30 days and is a crude instrument. But it paints an interesting ‘word’ picture. In the blogosphere, people are much more likely to associate Amazon's EC2 with business and Google's App Engine with developers.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Nice use of the conversation cloud functionality Daniel. It would be neat to launch another conversation cloud for both "cloud" words to see then which words start to surface around the cloud oriented posts or to launch a time series widget to see if if the volume of conversation stays steady or if it spikes on some key events. Ah, the fun of it all.
Cheers. David
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